Denver Trout Unlimited

We work to conserve the Denver South Platte River by improving the fishery, water quality, river access and fishing opportunities for all. 

Dedicated to the Denver South Platte

Our chapter’s vision is for the Denver South Platte from Chatfield Dam to 120th Avenue to become a healthy, urban river with a multi-species gamefish fishery.

Historic First

Denver Trout Unlimited played a key role as a funding partner in the creation of the Chatfield Reservoir Environmental Pool, a groundbreaking effort to support the health of the South Platte River.

CarpSlam XVIII Recap

2024 fundraising efforts for restoration and pollution protections of Denver South Platte River was a record breaking success, raising over $60,600 for the future of the river.

Big thanks to XVIII Gold Sponsors: Anglers All,
25 on the Fly, Orvis Rods, & Abel Reels

Our Organization

Find out more about our mission, vision and projects focused on the Denver South Platte.

Take Action

Ready to join us in improving the fishery, water quality, river access and fishing opportunities for all on the Denver South Platte?

What We Do

Our focus is on the river below the water line: the aquatic insects, the quality and quantity of water, the structures and bottom of the river and, of course, the fish. This focus includes things like:



Supervising and providing input to restoration projects to ensure that they incorporate planning and structure to support aquatic life; many of the projects focus on above the water and shoreline beautification, without really planning to improve habitat.


Obtaining grants in order to support our restoration projects and overall conservation efforts.

Funding studies to trigger restorations and improve flows to sustain the aquatic population.

Funding participation in the Chatfield Environmental Pool to help sustain flows year round.


Trout in the Classroom, where we fund and support a program to allow students to raise trout for release in the river

Meet the River program where we expose local civic leadership and other potential partners to the river and its potential.


Triggering action around disasters effecting the DSP. This includes things like oil leaks, fish traps, habitat scarcity and more.

We are passionate about River Clean Up events and will partner will local companies and organizations to encourage cleanup.